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Education System

The British System

The British system at International Modern School Sayed Galal follows strands and objectives for each year group from Primary to ICGSE, not a particular book supplied by a publisher.

We at IMSSG are using the CIE system of learning which has strands and objectives for Math, English and Science. It is called the National Framework of Learning.

Social studies in the British system are called History and Geography. At our school we are obliged to cover certain topics to suit the environment and cover historical key points that pertain to the cultural lifestyle in Egypt. The rest of the syllabus at International primary, secondary and high school is designed according to guidelines set out by our International Modern School to cover certain topics that are relevant to the system.

The American System

The American Division at International Modern School Sayed Galal follows the Common Core Standards which are recognized and used throughout the United States to assist schools in maintaining uniformity in a student’s education, regardless their location. The Common Core Standards provide schools with general guidelines regarding the topics students should learn and practice at each grade level from primary to high school. All books and educational materials used at IMSSG are obtained directly from publishers in the United States and are specifically designed to conform to the Common Core Standards.

International Modern School Sayed Galalآ  present students with the Virginia State Standards. These are purposely designed to enhance and compliment the Common Core Standards to ensure all students receive a quality education. Students, who successfully complete grades 9-12 of high school at International Modern School Sayed Galal, will receive the American Diploma, which is recognized worldwide. Students of our School who receive the American Diploma will be eligible to attend Universities all over the world.

آ International Modern School Sayed Galal is accredited by the AIAA Accreditation. Accreditation from AIAA certifies that a school maintains the highest standards in all aspects of its operation including academic and support services.